Coton Road, Nuneaton Warwickshire England United Kingdom CV11 5UA The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity Number 234216

[Also check the newsletter for any changes]
6.00pm (Saturday Vigil)
9.15a.m. [with children's’ liturgy]
11.00 a.m.
Monday to Saturday inclusive
9.30 a.m.
Rosary Monday - Saturday at 9.10am
Other devotions as announced
Exposition of the Blessed Sacraments
and Confessions
10.00 – 11.00 a.m.

BAPTISMS -Since the start of the pandemic, the process of having your child baptised has had to be done a little differently. Initially, email the parish office with your request for Baptism. You will be invited to a meeting. These meetings are by appointment only and these take place once a month in church. This is on a Monday at 4.30pm. The parents will be asked to complete a green form and will need details of the Godparents. Godparents need to be Baptised and we ask to see their Baptism Certificates. Non Catholic Godparents need also to be Baptised and to show proof of Baptism. Non Catholic Godparents are called Witnesses. There must be at least one Catholic Godparent. All Godparents must be over 16 years of age. Deacon Michael Skidmore will take the session on Baptism and when this is completed you can then arrange a date for your child's Baptism. You must reside within the parish boundaries to have your child Baptised at Our Lady of the Angels. If you have any questions please contact the parish office.
WEDDINGS- for wedding enquiries please first speak to a member of clergy after weekend Mass. Once you have spoken to a member of clergy you will be asked to contact the parish office to make an appointment to discuss things further with Fr Simon. After this Deacon Michael Skidmore will contact you to arrange for you to attend Marriage Preparation Classes (usually held in the parish hall).